Sept. 7, 2023

How to Outsmart the Scale's Psychological Mind Games

How to Outsmart the Scale's Psychological Mind Games

That pesky number on the scale - it holds so much power over our emotions and self-image. We all know it's just a number, yet it continues to profoundly impact how we feel about ourselves.

For many, seeing the number go up triggers feelings of failure, shame, and self-loathing. It can send us into a spiral of negative self-talk, eroding our confidence and self-esteem. The story we tell ourselves is that we are lazy, undisciplined, and unlovable.

However, when the number goes down, we feel a sense of pride, increased motivation, and most dangerously - validation. Our worthiness seems to increase as the number decreases. The story shifts to one of success, discipline, and control.

Where does this warped association come from? Likely from cultural conditioning and norms around health, wellness, and beauty standards. We unconsciously internalize messages that we need to change our bodies to find true happiness, success, and fulfillment. If we can just lose those last 10 pounds, our lives will transform.

Of course, this is almost never the case. Those who do reach their "goal weight" often find that deep down, nothing has really changed. The insecurity, negative self-talk, and lack of self-acceptance still remain.

So how do we break free from this vicious cycle? How do we stop letting an arbitrary number on a scale influence how we feel about ourselves?

It starts with self-awareness - recognizing that we have unconsciously tied our self-image to this number. We have adopted others' stories about what our bodies should look like instead of accepting ourselves as we are.

The next step is self-compassion. Treating ourselves with the same kindness and care we would show a good friend. Not berating ourselves for a few extra pounds, but speaking gently and with understanding.

We can also focus on developing inner peace and self-acceptance regardless of our weight. Reminding ourselves of our inherent worth as human beings. Of all the amazing qualities we possess - our compassion, humor, talents.

Rather than making happiness contingent on a number going down, we can find fulfillment through meaningful connections, hobbies that energize us, and work we feel passionate about. By living each day with purpose and joy.

When it comes to health, we should make choices from a place of self-love, not self-loathing. Exercise can become less about punishing ourselves and more about taking care of our bodies.

Seeking external validation frequently backfires. Lasting confidence comes from within. By taking the focus off the scale and cultivating our inner light, we deprive that pesky number of its power over us.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out the Fitness Mess podcast episode on why we let the number on the scale define our self-worth. We have a powerful discussion with Katie Bramlett from WeShape on body image, self-acceptance, and more. You can listen now at