March 31, 2021

What are the Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation with Stephanie Wagner

What are the Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation with Stephanie Wagner

Our guest is Stephanie Wagner. She is a board-certified health and wellness coach with a passion for mindfulness and meditation. She develops and trains content to help people cultivate habits to achieve greater well-being.

In this episode, we’re joined by Stephanie Wagner. She is a board-certified health and wellness coach with a passion for mindfulness and meditation. She shares tips and techniques on using mediation as a way to achieve your goals. We also discuss how the mind can be trained to be more focused, calm, and resilient through meditation training. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How the mind can be trained to be more focused, calm, and resilient.
  • The science of why meditation works
  • Why mindfulness improves everyday personal and professional stress.
  • How to use mediation to achieve your goals
  • The difference between meditation and mindfulness


'Train You Mind" kickstarter class on April 14 


Healthy Minds App

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Stephanie Wagner

Board-certified Health and Wellness Coach

Stephanie is a board-certified health and wellness coach with a passion for mindfulness and meditation, with extensive years working in professional development. She develops and trains content to help people cultivate habits to achieve greater well-being. She is especially skilled on topics related to workplace well-being.