Oct. 4, 2023

Pushing Through the Fog of Depression

Pushing Through the Fog of Depression

It's Tempting to Give in to the Fog

Depression can feel like a heavy fog that makes it hard to see the path forward. For nearly 6 weeks now, I've been dealing with a major depressive episode along with a nasty cold that has had me feeling completely run down and exhausted.

During this time, it's been so incredibly tempting to just do nothing all day and let others take care of my responsibilities. I'm not going to lie - on my worst days, it often feels easier to just give in to the fog of depression and isolation rather than push through and face the world. Staying in bed avoiding life requires no effort, while getting up and facing the day ahead takes so much energy that often feels impossible to muster.

But Giving in Only Makes Things Worse

But I've realized that while taking a break to recover is important, staying stuck in the fog forever gives away my power and control over my life. It puts me on a slippery slope towards an even darker and unhealthier mental space. As soon as I start to see some light peeking through the fog, like I am now, I know it's time to start taking small steps forward again.

Start with Small, Manageable Goals

I want to encourage anyone else out there dealing with depression - don't let this illness waste the opportunity you have to take back control of your life! Start with small, manageable goals each day to build momentum. Make your goals specific and realistic - things like taking a short walk, calling a friend, or making yourself a healthy meal. Even on the toughest days when getting out of bed feels hard, find just one small thing you can accomplish. Over time, those small wins will give you strength and pull you out of the fog.

Be Kind to Yourself

It's important to be patient and kind with yourself on this journey. I certainly have had my share of setbacks and days where I just couldn't push myself and had to reset my expectations. That's completely normal! Don't beat yourself up. Instead, talk to yourself with compassion and encouragement. Having a strong support system is so helpful too. If you need someone to talk to on the hard days, don't hesitate to reach out to a loved one or consider meeting with a therapist.

There Are Brighter Days Ahead

While the fog of depression may obscure our vision temporarily, better days are coming if we keep taking those small steps forward. It's not easy, but with time and self-care we can find our way through. Wishing everyone out there dealing with depression the very best. You've got this! Brighter days are ahead.