Oct. 3, 2023

Feel Unmotivated with Your Workouts? Top Tips to Get Back on Track

Feel Unmotivated with Your Workouts? Top Tips to Get Back on Track

Feeling Unmotivated with Your Workouts? Here’s How to Get Back on Track

We all have those days when we just can’t seem to get motivated to work out. Whether you’re skipping the gym or just going through the motions, it’s easy to get into a funk with your exercise routine. The good news is there are some simple strategies you can use to get back on track.

First, try to remember why you started working out in the first place. Was it to lose weight, gain strength, or improve your health? Reminding yourself of your original motivation can help reignite your passion. Consider posting inspirational quotes or photos somewhere you’ll see them daily as a motivational tool.

Next, take an honest look at your current routine. If you’re bored or dreading your workouts, it’s time to shake things up. This might mean switching formats, like from solo sessions to group classes. Or try different types of exercise like dance, martial arts, hiking, cycling, etc. Find what you enjoy most and your motivation will quickly improve.

Don’t get caught up in comparisons or trying to perfectly optimize every minute of your workout. As long as you’re moving your body regularly, you’re already ahead of the couch potatoes! Focus on the positives of what you CAN do rather than criticizing yourself.

Remember that working out is about how it makes you feel mentally and physically. After a good sweat session, you will likely have more energy, less stress, improved concentration, and an overall sense of accomplishment. Let the mental boost motivate you as much as any physical goals.

If you’re really feeling unmotivated, recruit an accountability partner like a friend, co-worker, or personal trainer. Having someone else invested in your success makes it harder to skip workouts. You can keep each other on track by planning sessions together or sharing progress updates.

Consider joining a class or fitness community to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. The shared energy and encouragement can be extremely motivating. You might even make some new friends in the process!

Be patient with yourself on days when you’re struggling with motivation. Acknowledge you’re feeling off, then make a plan to get moving again tomorrow. String enough active days together and it will become a habit you don’t have to constantly motivate yourself to do.

Working out regularly delivers incredible physical and mental rewards when you find activities you genuinely enjoy. Follow these tips to regain motivation when you’re feeling uninspired or bored. Soon you’ll remember why you started on this healthy path in the first place. Your mind and body will thank you!

Want to hear more on this topic? Check out the latest episode of The Fit Mess podcast at www.thefitmess.com/218 for an in-depth conversation about staying motivated with your workouts and finding activities you love.