Nov. 21, 2023

How to Defeat Cravings and Lose Weight with Self-Compassion

How to Defeat Cravings and Lose Weight with Self-Compassion

Struggling with Willpower Around Food?

Struggling to control cravings and lose weight? Psychologist and eating behavior expert Dr. Glenn Livingston shares a compassionate approach focused on self-acceptance, while still pursuing healthy changes.

Cravings Come From a Healthy Brain

In our irresistible modern food environment, willpower alone often isn't enough to defeat emotional eating and junk food obsession. But that doesn't mean you're broken or lack self-control.

As Dr. Livingston explains, cravings originate from a healthy brain doing its natural job of seeking nutrition for survival. Food companies have just become incredibly skilled at hijacking our evolutionary buttons.

Deal With Cravings Skillfully in the Moment

Rather than shaming yourself, he suggests getting curious about when cravings arise and skillfully responding. Often simple steps like drinking water, taking deep breaths, or briefly connecting with others can calm the impulse.

Start With Just One Small Change

Dr. Livingston advises against dramatic, deprivation-based diets. Extreme rules are hard to sustain long-term for most people. Instead, start with one personalized change that feels doable. Then stick with it consistently, focusing on the mental clarity and freedom from obsession this small win provides.

Create Personalized Food Rules

A key strategy Dr. Livingston recommends is identifying your unique food triggers and creating clear rules around them. For instance, if late-night snacking sabotages your success, make a rule to stop eating after 8pm.

Absolutes Beat "Moderation"

The brain likes absolutes. The gray area of "moderation" requires constant decision making that wears down willpower.

Dr. Livingston explains how specific boundaries preempt rationalizations and create new habits, one situation at a time. This frees mental bandwidth for other areas of life.

Weight Loss Through Self-Care

By tackling cravings intelligently and compassionately, you can get off the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster. Weight loss becomes an act of self-care rather than punishment.

The journey requires patience and self-forgiveness when you hit obstacles. But you absolutely can find freedom around food, more energy, and feel comfortable in your own skin.

Check out my full conversation with Dr. Livingston on defeating cravings and sustainable weight loss on The Fit Mess podcast.