Nov. 27, 2023

5 Holiday Stress Relief Hacks for the Most Wonderful Time of Year

5 Holiday Stress Relief Hacks for the Most Wonderful Time of Year

The glittering lights, festive gatherings, and tempting treats make the holiday season magical for many. However, amid all the celebrating, it's also the most stressful time of year for a lot of people.

Heavy social calendars, gift-shopping frenzies, packed travel hubs, unrealistic expectations, and health slip-ups can quickly spike anxiety and overwhelm during this “festive” period.

If you find yourself feeling perpetually frazzled, forgetful, frustrated, or exhausted this time of’re not alone.

The good news? You don’t have to just “push through” the chaos or opt out of all holiday fun. With some practical coping strategies, you can protect your peace of mind all season long.

Here are 5 simple but powerful ways to minimize holiday havoc:

#1 Lower Your Own Expectations Bar

Do you put extra pressure on finding the “perfect” gift for everyone in your life? Obsess for hours over what delicious treat to bring to the office party? Stress about picking the ideal holiday card photo featuring happy smiling faces?

Many of us set unrealistic standards that guarantee disappointment. This holiday season, consciously challenge yourself to lower your internal bar for “success.”

Aim for “good enough” instead of chasing some magical ideal in your mind. Simplify gift giving rather than blowing your budget. Allow things to be imperfect without placing so much pressure to make everything Instagram-worthy.

Give yourself permission to relax and remember what matters most is enjoying the company of your loved ones, not executing elaborate plans flawlessly.

#2 Schedule In Self-Care Breaks

The flurry of holiday events often leaves little room for looking after your needs. However, regularly resting and recharging is crucial for functioning at your best mentally, emotionally and physically during stressful times.

Be intentional about winding down and nurturing yourself in the midst of the seasonal rush. Maybe it’s:

  • Saying “no” to optional social gatherings
  • Building in buffer days with nothing scheduled
  • Protecting time for decompressing activities like reading, stretching, or journaling
  • Getting to bed earlier
  • Meditating during your lunch break

#3 Manage Health Habits

From cookie swaps to New Year's toasts, there are temptations galore! It may sound rigid, but avoiding dietary derailment can protect both your health and sanity.

Rather than completely depriving yourself, focus on balance. Indulge mindfully here and there while still emphasizing wholesome nutrition most of the time. And even if you slip up, don’t be too hard on yourself! Just get back on track with your next bite.

The same idea applies to movement, sleep, and other well-being habits. Do your best to keep up healthy routines when possible. If not, be gentle with yourself and continue as soon as you’re able.

#4 Check In With Your Support Squad

You don't need to white-knuckle your way through the stressful season solo! Having even just one person in your corner who "gets" you can make all the difference.

Identify who your core support squad includes - maybe it’s close friends, your significant other, family members, coworkers, or a support group. Then, actually reach out to vent, validate struggles, and problem-solve together when the pressure mounts.

Knowing you have trusted people to confide in and help strategize can relieve anxiety quickly.

#5 Give Yourself Grace

Perhaps most importantly, offer yourself kindness and compassion amid the chaos. You're likely doing the best you can!

Instead of beating yourself up over imperfections or perceived failures, talk to yourself like you would a dear friend struggling in the same way. Offer understanding about how hard this time of year can be even for the most put-together among us.

Remind yourself that joy and peace of mind can’t be bought, made perfect, or produced on command. Reassure yourself that your worth isn’t defined by your holiday performance. Then, keep taking it one step at a time.

The holidays may not ever be totally stress-free. However, by caring for your needs first, managing expectations, and showing self-compassion, you can minimize anxiety and frustration.

This allows you to be fully present to soak up all the most meaningful moments this special season has to offer!